Mud Lake Golden Retrievers
Email: Phone: 260-609-0780
Goldens - the Best of all Worlds!!!
Welcome to Mud Lake Golden Retrievers
Golden Retrievers are one of the most versatile dog breeds. Besides being amazing family pets, Goldens shine in everything from hunting to tracking, from conformation to agility to obedience. They are successfully utilized in search and rescue, police work and as helper dogs for the handicapped; and nearly anything else you might want to do with them. With an abundance of energy, curiosity and exuberance for life, they are incredibly loving and loyal companions. While I compete primarily in conformation events you will find many dogs in Mud Lake pedigrees with performance titles or who are working dogs.
My goal at Mud Lake is to breed healthy, long-lived Goldens with the ability to perform and compete sucessfully in any venue; and to be the best family companion available!